Lunch & Learn at St. Rose’s High School in Georgetown, Guyana – March 29th, 2023

Dr. Michelle Beccles-Simmons, St. Rose’s High School Class of ‘88 alumnus and founder of Carl’s Care, a U.S. based nonprofit that serves survivors of domestic violence, recently hosted a Lunch & Learn at St. Rose’s High School in Georgetown, Guyana. Dr. Beccles-Simmons, a practicing psychologist was accompanied by her husband Commander Alexander Simmons, an active-duty Sailor. 

The pair engaged 61 students and select staff members in a round-table discussion regarding what it’s like being a psychologist and military professional (among other topics). The goal is to link students who are interested in entering the field with suitable mentors. Carl’s Care provided lunch, goody bags (with school supplies), and three new lap top computers to participating students.